Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Christmas parts 14, 15, & 16

Xmas EVE.

Well we just visited today, spent family time together. We played the game Scene It, Movie Edition, tonight, and man was that fun.


Well we opened our presents today. Everyone seemed to enjoy what they got.

Tues, 12-26-06

Well today we came home. And boy am I tired. I'll see about getting my New Years Eve layout up either tomorrow or Wed.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Christmas part 13

Well I wasn't able to post anything yesterday, because when I got to my aunt & uncle's house, I didn't have any internet connection. I had to wait till my cousin could fix it today.

So yesterday we came to my aunt & uncle's house for xmas.

We didn't have any snow, until around 3pm on Friday, then it started snowing, and snowing hard. So hard we weren't sure if we were going to be able to come to my aunt & uncle's house today or not.

But when we got up today, it wasn't tooo deep. We were able to leave.

Now for today, we're just visiting today.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Christmas part 12

Well I got all my baking done, and the presents are all wrapped. Now all I gotta do is pack.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas part 11

Well I got all the presents but one wrapped. And I can't wrap that one till tomorrow because it's an iron transfer thing onto a shirt. So I'm gonna iron it on tonight, and then wrap it tomorrow night, so it's got plenty of time to cool.

Plus I still have my baking to do, tomorrow.

And today while doing laundry, the door that closes shut to hide the washer and dryer, popped off it's track, so now the handyman is coming tomorrow to try and fix it. Plus we're gonna see if he'll change the filter in the fridge for us. Doesn't matter if he's here or not, I've got baking to do. And it's gonna get done.

I can't believe I'm all most ready for Xmas LOL.

The only thing I've got left to do tonight, and I may leave this till tomorrow too, is burn the xmas music cd, we're going to listen to on the way to my Aunt's house for xmas.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas part 10 & desk phone

Well Christmas is all most here and I still have presents to wrap and baking to do. I'm gonna work on baking tomorrow, and if I'm not too tired I'll try to get more wrapping done tomorrow night.

Then again maybe I'll finish wrapping tomorrow and work on the baking on Friday.

I'm not sure which way I should do it. I guess I'll decided that when I get up tomorrow morning.

Well I had to buy a new phone for my computer desk tonight. The one I've got stopped working. It rings, but there's no dial tone, I can't hear anyone talking, and no one can hear me talking either.

Bought a new battery for it last night but that didn't do any good. And tonight a gal at BestBuy said it was a problem with the phone, not the battery, so I bought a new phone.

Monday, December 18, 2006

christmas part 9

Well I got my packages mailed today. The line at the post office wasn't too bad. I was surprised. Now I just have the rest of the wrapping and the rest of the baking to do.

Got all the cards mailed and what happens? Got another xmas card in the mail this afternoon. LOL Now I gotta mail another card out.


Well my boyfriend and I have known each other for 1 year now.

^_^ Maybe by this time next year we'll be husband and wife ^_^

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Christmas part 8

Well I got my cards wrote and the presents for my pen-pals all ready to go. I'm gonna mail everything tomorrow.

*cries* There's still no snow and it's all most Christmas.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas part 7

Well my sister-in-law called last night and said we shouldn't come over today. (We were going to have our Christmas today). She and all the kids are very sick. So we'll have to do Christmas another time.

My dad's sister and her husband come over tonight. They brought me a bunch of pictures to replace some of the family photos I lost in the house fire. Which was very nice of them.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Christmas part 6

Well I'm finishes decorating everything except one room, I gotta get something set up in grandma's bedroom, but I'll have to do that Sunday.

Sunday I also gotta get my xmas cards made out and get the presents I'm shipping to friends ready. Then I'll mail everything on Monday. Yeah I know it's late and they might not get it by Xmas, but I couldn't help it.

I got the crown put on my tooth this morning. It hurt only a tiny bit. My mouth feels a little weird though, and my teeth feel kinda heavy, but they said that would go away, once my mouth go used to having the crown in it. So we'll have to wait and see.

We still don't have any snow by us. And that's very unusual for us, at this time of year.

I wish my BF and I could be together for Xmas and New Years. But hopefully next year we will be and we'll be husband and wife by then I hope ^_^

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Christmas part 5

Well I got my baking for this Sat done. And my throat feels fine. So I don't think I'm coming down with a cold after all.

Now I just have my wrapping and baking to do next week. LOL I hope I can get it all done.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas part 4, part 2

Well I got all the presents for this Sat. wrapped. All but 2 that is. So tomorrow I can do my baking. YAY! lol

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Christmas part 4

Well this morning I woke up and my throat was feeling funny. I hope I'm not catching my mom's cold. The last thing I need right now is to get sick. I still have too much to do before Christmas.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas part 3

Well I got some of the wrapping done. Stil not totally finished decorating yet. And I've still got my baking and lots more wrapping to do. But at least I've made a start.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Christmas part 2

Well we got the tree finished today. But mom caught a cold somewhere along the line yesterday, so today she felt kinda rotten all day. So we didn't get as much done today as we wanted.

And my niece and nephews are all sick too. So between mom and them, I'm gonna probably spend another Christmas, sick as a dog. Last year was the first Christmas I wasn't sick. The two Christmas's before I was sick for each one.

I'll have to try and finish up the decorating myself tomorrow while mom's at work. I probably won't get my room decorated. Not between the wrapping and the baking, and trying to not get mom's cold.

I'll try to get my room decorated.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


Well I had to go power shopping today.

I found out that we're gonna do Xmas with my brother and his family next Sat. So I had to finish up my Xmas shopping for them today.

Tomorrow we'll have to finish decorating the house. I'm sure we won't get the whole house finished up tomorrow. So I'll have to work on it during the week as well.

Then also during the week, I'll have to wrap their presents and do my holiday baking.

Then on Friday the 15th, the dentist is going to put the crown on my tooth.

Then the following week I'll have to wrap the presents for the rest of my family and do the rest of my holiday baking.

LOL can I scream yet! LOL ROFLMAO

I'm exhausted already and the real work hasn't even started yet. The real work will start tomorrow.

And of course I love to bake, so lol I want to make a lot of holiday treats. I'm gonna bake candy cane cookies, and I'm gonna try and make a sugar free pumpkin pie for my Dad & Grandma.

I've never made a pie before so, hopefully it'll turn out. I'm hoping I'll have time to make it. I'm sure gonna try and make the time.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Root Canal Part 3

Well I wasn't in a lot of pain today. My tooth hurt just a little bit. When I would talk, or yawn, or sometimes if cold water or milk would hit it just right.

But other than that, it wasn't too bad.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

More Root Canal details

The doctor was able to save my tooth. Which is a good thing.

But my jaw and tooth, mainly my jaw/gums are hurting now.

I guess the dentist had to do some kind of surgery on my gums while he was in there.

Enough for tonight. I'll change to my Xmas layout as soon as I can.

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Root Canal Part 2

Well it's over. It went okay. I didn't feel anything. Once in a while I felt a little tiny bit of pain. But nothing major.

My tooth is starting to hurt now some, and I slept all afternoon. I'm still a little sleepy. But I couldn't seem to fall asleep when I crawled back into bed. Maybe later.

LOL I had a craving for KFC when the dentist was all done, so after I got home, my mom went and got some. It was delicious!

God I hope I never have to go through this again. But I admit it wasn't all that bad.

Everyone was very nice at the dentists office. They had juice and pudding for me to eat. I got to drink the juice off and on during the root canal. And then I got to eat the pudding and drink more juice when it was over.

I wish my bf had been there with me. But I understand why he couldn't be.

My tooth is hurting a little bit now, so I took an Advil, but I gotta becarefull about taking Advil, people with high blood pressure aren't supposed to take Advil, and I have high blood pressure.

That's all for now, I'm too tired to type any more.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Root Canal

Well tomorrow is the root canal. I can't eat anything after midnight tonight, and no breakfast tomorrow morning.

Great! (note sarcasim)

It's 10:30pm now, so I'd better eat something to try and prevent me from being so hungry tomorrow morning.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Side Effects part 4

Well I'm feeling a whole lot better today. Thank goodness. This weekend was miserable.

It's been snowing off and on all day. The roads in places are pretty slippery.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Side Effects & Decorating

Well I'm feeling a little bit better today. The nurse at the dentist's office called today and told me to stop taking the muscel relaxor and just take one wed. morning before I come in for the root canal. So hopefully tomorrow I'll be feeling better.

Well we bought a new fake Xmas tree today. The one mom used to put up in the beautyshop looked kinda sad. So we bought a new one. We got the tree up and the lights on, and everything lit on the first try, except for one bulb.

It snowed a little bit yesterday and today. Nothing major though. Not anything like my Aunt and Uncle got the other day. They got close to 2 feet!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Side Effect part 2

Well, this muscel relaxor that the dentist gave me to take is some very nasty stuff. Yesterday I had eye pain (which is a serious side effect of this medication), and now today I'm sick to my stomach, and I have diareha (sp?).

Fun huh? I've been miserable all day long. And it's getting worse.

Plus my eyes still hurt some. And I've been sick to my stomach all night long, and all day today.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Side Effects

Well this is just great. I had to rush to the eye doctor today because all night long last night, and all day today, my right eye felt like it had a needle stuck in it, when ever I closed my eye.

Found out that it feels that way because my eyes are dry. And why are my eyes dry you ask, the answer is the muscel relaxor medication the dentist gave me for me to prep for my root canal on 12-06.

One of the side effects of this pill is dry eyes. Along with a bunch of other nasty stuff, like hallucinations, clumsyness, confusion, etc.... Some fun stuff huh? (note sarcasim)

So now I have to use eye drops in my eyes until I'm off this muscel relaxor. *ugh* great huh?

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Well I got the last 2 layout codes finally fixed. I'd still like to know what the heck happened to screw everything up. LOL

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Well I got all but 2 of my pre-coded layouts fixed. I'll work on the two that are left tomorrow.

Plus I have to take a picture of the new house. make copies of pictures that have all ready been taken of the house. And get them ready to send to my friend and my aunt.

Plus I got work to do for my cousin on his website.

And laundry!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Decoration & Blog trouble

Well we got the replacement bulbs and finsihed decorating the porch tonight. We won't be turning the Xmas lights on yet. Not till December.

There's something screwy with blogger beta. 90% of my blog layouts aren't working right. It took me all day to fix this winter layout. I'll have to work on my Xmas one next, and make a News Years one. And then in between time, try fixing the others.

I have no idea what's going on with beta blogger, but it sucks! All my hard work on these layout codes and they worked fine a couple days ago.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Well we put the outside xmas decorations up today. Well most of them.

We're not gonna light them though, it's too early for that. But the weather was sooo good today we couldn't pass up the chance to get them up in good weather.

We had a little trouble with some of the bulbs in the strings of lights. A couple of bulbs broke on us. So we gotta go buy some replacement bulbs. Other than that, everything lit.

So we just have one more string of lights to put on the porch, and we're gonna try and get a string of lights around the garage door. Then after that, we're all done decorating outside, and can start working on the inside.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

End Of Thanksgiving

Well my Aunt & Uncle went home today. So the Thanksgiving holiday is officially over for us.

We're gonna try and start putting up our xmas decorations early this year, cause of my having to have a root canal on 12-6.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Day After Thanksgiving

Well we went shopping this morning, like we do every year. The weather was perfect today. And lol as always the stores were crazy.

But the goodnews is I'm all most all done with my Xmas shopping.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

My Aunt & Uncle came last night, and their youngest son, came today. But he had to leave today too, he's gotta work tomorrow. Their oldest boy, spent the holiday with his girlfriend and her family.

The weather today was beautiful. Today was one of the best Thanksgivings we've ever had (as far as weather goes).

On a sad note, it doesn't look like my one cousin is having a baby after all. I guess the test was wrong.

I'm kinda sad today. Only because I've been thinking about my boyfriend and his son all day today, wishing we were together for the holiday. But I know he's thinking about me too. And hopefully, (god willingly) we'll be together as a family next Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Well I was out grocery shopping all day. Then I've been baking all night. And to top it off, one of my cousins called to let us know their having a baby.

So today has been a pretty crazy day.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Well the snow that we got last friday is now all most gone.

Monday, November 13, 2006

New Storage Shed & Thanksgiving

LOL okay I realize this post a really late. But I was busy, and then I forgot out about it till today.

My mom bought one of those pre-made storage sheds. And it was delivered to the house on October 31.

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Plus I found that that my Aunt, Uncle, and one cousin will be coming here for Thanksgiving this year.

:-( Sadly, me and my man won't be able to be together for Thanksgiving this year. But hopefully next year we will be.

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Well the snow we got yesterday wasn't too bad. I didn't have to shovel here, it melted off the driveway. But I did have to shovel at Grandma's house; but that's not so bad. There's not much to shovel at her house.

Friday, November 10, 2006



It's been snowing all afternoon. And it's still coming down.

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Monday, November 06, 2006


Well I went to the dentist today. I have a cavity. And it's pretty bad....he's gotta do a root canal. But it's my first and hopefully last cavity. :-

Saturday, November 04, 2006

MP3 Player

Well after coming home last night from BestBuy I sat down to try and make the MP3 Player work. I was able to transfer the songs from my computer to the player, but the player still wouldn't turn on.

I was ready to give up and delete my songs from the player, and return it the morning to get my money back, when I opened the battery compartment, and saw that they hadn't put the battery in. BestBuy had exchanged the players, giving me a brand new one, but didn't give me a battery for it.

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So this morning, I went to BestBuy yet again. They gave me a battery and I am happy to report that my MP3 Player works fine!

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Friday, November 03, 2006

MP3 Player & Me

Well I took my MP3 Player back too Bestbuy, and they exchanged it for another one. This new one seems to be working. I'm able to transfer my songs to it....so that's a good sign.

I also had my complete physical today. And surprisingly I'm pretty healthy. My cholesterol is a little high, 25 points. But that's not bad at all. I just have to change my diet a little and try and exercise a little bit more.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

MP3 Player

Well it turns out the battery that came with my MP3 Player is defective. Or at least that's what it looks like. I'll have to take it in to Best Buy tomorrow afternoon and see what they can do about it.

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MP3 Player

I bought an MP3 Player the other day. LOL But it's just sitting there. The stupid program claims I don't have any portable music devices connected to my computer.

Spent $100 bucks for the dang thing and it's not gonna work????

Monday, October 30, 2006

Trick Or Treat day

Well yesterday was Trick Or Treat day. As usual, I dressed up like a witch. LOL that seems to be very popular with the neighbors lol.

The weather was really beautiful, for the kids to go trick or treating, but we hardly had any kids; which was odd.

After Trick Or Treat was over, we went to KFC for dinner. Then when I got back home, I baked Halloween cookies.

And today we got some bad news, but out of respect for the family involved, I'm not gonna say what the bad news was about....at least not at this time. All I will say is that we're going to be losing someone very close to us.

Friday, October 20, 2006


Well the landscapers finally came yesterday. They moved the roses, cause they're were we're going to put the storage shed.

If the weather's good, the landscapers will be back Monday afternoon to work some more.

But the weather has been really crappy lately.

*Sobs* And my BF is in Hawaii tonight, for work, and I'm here freezin' my a** off. LOL he'd better bring me back one h*** of a present. LOL :-P

Friday, October 13, 2006


It snowed yesterday and today. The snow didn't stay or anything, it melted as soon as it hit the ground. But it was still snow lol.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


My throat has been scratchy all day. I think I'm coming down with a cold. :-(

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Went shopping for somethings yesterday and today. Bought a bunch of photo books today. Bought one special to put the pictures from my cousin's wedding in. It's really cute. It's white with burgendy trim, with a burgendy heart in the center of the cover.

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Cousin's Wedding

Guess I forgot to write this down. My cousin got married on 9-23-06. And wouldn't ya know it, my batteries for my camera died. They held out long enough for me to get a picture of my grandma with the groom, who is her great-nephew.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Grandma's Birthday

Yesterday was my grandma's 84th birthday!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Fella

My fella is gonna be okay. He's pretty sore and banged up. But he's gonna be fine. :-D

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My Fella

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My fella got hurt at work last night. He's gonna be okay thank God.

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Birthday & My Man

Well today is my birthday.

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My Man was on tv last night and boy did he look good. I love him so much.

Saturday, August 26, 2006


Well today we had a birthday party for myself, my cousin Jeremy, my nephews Jason & Johnny, & my cousin Shirley.

We were all born in August.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

My Man

Well, my man was on tv last Monday night, and again tonight. :-( but he got hurt tonight. I know he'll be okay, I just worry about him cause I'm not there with him.

But he was great! :-D

Thursday, August 10, 2006

My Man

My man was on tv again Monday night. He was so great. We love each other so much.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Man

My man was on tv last night. And boy was he hot. OMG I nearly fainted, he had his shirt unbuttoned....

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I miss him soooo much. He's so busy we don't get to talk often. I did talk to him last Wed. though.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Heat & My Man

UGH this heat is unbareable. It's all most 100 every freakin' day!

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I know this post is a couple days late. But my man was on tv again Monday night. I'm so proud of him. :-D

Friday, July 14, 2006


I HATE MOSQUITOS! I'm covered in bites! And they itch like mad.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Man & My Pain

My Man was on tv last night. He looked so goooood. I've been in some pain lately. And seeing him helped. I wish we could have talked last night, but I know he was thinking about me. My pain will go away once we're able to be together.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Computer Troubles part 2

Well I finally got my computer back. The guy had to format the computer. But he didn't save everything I told him to.
So now I have to use Recover My Files to try and get my lost stuff back. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Needless to say I'm a little pissed off right now!

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Saturday, June 24, 2006

Computer Troubles

Well my desktop has been acting weird for a while now. As of this last Tuesday, I couldn't even use MSN Messenger on it. Well tonight, I couldn't get the pictures off my digital camera, so I had to take it in.
Had to leave it there while they "run some diagnostics" on it, to see what's wrong. {sarcasim} Great Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Friday, June 23, 2006

My man

My Man was on tv Monday night. He looks so sexy!. He left me a note Monday night saying "I love you". I love him sooooo much.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006



Sunday, June 11, 2006

Travel 2

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Well I'm back home tonight. And boy am I tired.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Aunt's Birthday

Well today is my aunt's 50th birthday!

Friday, June 09, 2006


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Well tonight I am posting from my laptop, because I'm not at home. I'm at my Aunt & Uncle's house. I'm here, because tomorrow is my Aunt's 50th birthday, and their having a party for her.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

My Fella

My guy was on tv last night. He is so hot! I can't wait till we can be together.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

My Fella

Well, he's gonna be fine. Thank goodness. He had me worried for awhile.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My Fella

My fella was hurt last night while working. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

I know he'll be okay, I just wish I'd hear from him. I'll worry till I do. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Computer Trouble

Thanks to a post on a website, I was able to fix my problems with Internet Explorer. :-D

Friday, May 12, 2006

My Fella

*grins* Image Hosted by ImageShack.us My guy was online last night. I love him so much Image Hosted by ImageShack.us He's so sweet, and charming, and funny, and romantic. I can't believe that I'm lucky enough to be the one he wants. Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Fella

Well it's been a week since me and my fella talked last. I miss him soooo much. But he's really busy. He'll be on when he has a chance. And I know he misses me as much as I miss him.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

My Fella & New Yard part 2

Well I haven't heard from my guy in a few days. He works way to hard. But I'm hoping he'll be on soon.

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As for the new yard, we've got some green grass showing through the hay, which is covering the grass seed.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

New Yard part 3

Well our landscaping is done. We've got a couple of plants we want to plant here and there. But other than that, it's all done.

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I'm in so much pain, it's unbareable. This stretched out tendon really hurts.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

New Yard part 2?

Well my Aunt and Uncle are here again this weekend. So my Uncle can finish landscaping our yard.
Only this weekend I wasn't able to help cause of my stretched out tendon. Man this thing really hurts.

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LOL and my friend Char wanted me to mention on here that she and I chatted online today. So....I chatted online today with my friend Char.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Tendons Part 3

Well my stretched tendon is healing. But the doctor wants me to not sleep on my right side till it's all healed. That's gonna be tough. I hope my guy is online tonight. I miss talking to him.

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Tendons part 2

Well my stretched out tendon is getting better, but today I have to mow my grandma's yard; so my shoulder will probably be killing me when I'm done.

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Chatted with my guy a couple nights ago. It was soo good to hear from him again. Poor baby was tired. He works way to hard.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Well my stretched tendons aren't quite as painful today as they were yesterday. Thank goodness.

Monday, May 01, 2006

My Fella & New Yard

Well my fella had to work last night :-( But he was awesome! :-D He's so strong.

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And the doctor said I stretched out my tendons doing all that work in the yard this weekend. I'm in a lot of pain. But seeing my guy on tv tonight will make me feel a little better. I'll feel a lot better if he comes online tonight, been over 2 weeks since we talked last.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

New Yard part 3

Well we had to work on the yard again today. I've very sore, and hurt a lot. But we got a lot done today. We've got all most 2/3 of the lawn covered in grass seed and hay.

Friday, April 28, 2006

New Yard part 2

The plans for doing the yard haven't totally worked out the way we wanted it to. We're gonna have to spread the black dirt around ourselves.

New Yard

Well all this week, we've been buying bushes and plants. This weekend my aunt, uncle, and cousin are here to help us landscape our yard. It's gonna be a very long weekend for me. Long and painful.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Love Of My Life

my man was on tv last night. *sighs* He's sooo sexy. And he totally kicked butt last night. *frowns* But I miss him. He's been sooo busy lately, we haven't had anytime to talk. Well hopefully he'll have a little free time, next week.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Computers & Viruses

YAY MY COMPUTER IS CLEAN!!! I got rid of the trojan. I don't have to format!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


dang it all, well I've tried everything. I'm gonna have to format the computer in order to get rid of that trojan. lol oh, in cause you're worried, i posted this on my laptop, the trojan is on my desktop.


AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGG I've got the Mirar trojan on my comp and I can't get rid of it. I think i'm gonna have to format my computer!

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Well Happy Easter everyone. Not all of my family could be with me this holiday, but that's okay.

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We're all outside except for my grandma. My uncle is relocating some of mom's bushes for her. It's actually a very very nice day outside.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Had to have blood drawn at the doctor's office today. Oh joy. I HATE NEEDLES!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Love Of My Life

My man just posted this video as a comment on my Myspace page. So I wanted to share it with all of you.

To see the video press the play button.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Wrestlemania 22 Part 2

I've heard that HBK & HHH both did the DX Crotch Chop last night.

I hope that means DX is coming back

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Wrestlemania 22

I am very very pissed off right now. Shawn Michaels had the nerve the shove Shane McMahon's face into Vince McMahon's butt crack!

Shawn will pay for that tomorrow night on Raw.

PS. I got lots of new blog layouts ready to go! :-D

Saturday, March 18, 2006


My shoulder has been killing me lately. So that, and just plain busy is the reason for lack of posting anything.

Monday, January 30, 2006


It snowed last night. And of course the snowblower died....so I had to shovel all of it; plus my grandma's sidewalks.....AAARRRGGGG

Sunday, January 29, 2006


I am majorly pissed off. Yahell screwed up big time tonight. It kept claiming that none of their wwf chat rooms exsisted....and when I did manage to get into them, there was no audio of the Royal Rumble.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

New Car

Well my mom bought a new car today. :-D

Friday, January 27, 2006

Housework part 3

Well today I'll have to get some of it done. I'm starting out with laundry....that will probably take the day. ugh

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Ugh housework

Ugh, I gotta clean my room tonight. Oh yeah i'm lookin' forward to that.

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LOL Well i didn't clean my room tonight. Just didn't want to. It'll be there tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


ARGH!!! The shelf my sterieo was sitting on came crashing down. Sterieo and all. I've got the sterieo sitting back up again, but there's no sound coming out of the right speaker!

Mood at posting: Frustrated

Monday, January 23, 2006


Ow *rubs head* dang it, I just hit my head on my computer desk. So hard it shook the whole desk!

Mood at posting: In Pain