Sunday, February 25, 2007


We're getting dumped on! It's been snowing like mad all weekend. And with my shoulder laid up I can't help blow or shovel snow. Luckyly for us, a neighbor of ours blowed us out. And a neighbor of my Grandma's did Grandma's sidewalks for her.

Thank goodness for those neighbors. With this bum shoulder I would never have been able to help with the snow.

Monday, February 19, 2007

For Cryin' Out Loud

Somehow, while sleeping, I slightly dislocated my shoulder! :-| Don't ask me how.

Hurts like hell!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Family Dinner

Well it wasn't tooo bad last night. My cousin's jokes were somewhat x rated...but other than that, it really wasn't too bad.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Well the weird members of my family are coming over for dinner tonight. So this afternoon and tonight should be interesting. Very interesting.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Exploding Soda Cans

Cans of soda are exploding.
We keep our extra 12 packs of soda in the garage (which is attached to the house).
Well the soda has froze so solid and hard in this below 0 temps, that the soda cans are actually exploding.

There's frozen soda everywhere!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Freezing & Decorations

Well I'm freezing my butt of, it's below 0.

Most of the Xmas decorations are down and most of the Valentine's Day decorations are up. LOL so we're making progress. LOL

I'm sooo sleepy right now. *yawns* I have no idea why.

*sobs* I miss my BF sooooooo much. But I know we'll be together soon.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Deer & Xmas Decorations

Well the "Stalker" deer seems to have gone away. Didn't see any tracks last night or the night before.

And we're finally getting our Xmas decorations down! YAY! LOL

Putting up the Valentines Day decorations as I go too.

I sure hope my bf is able to come be with me on Valentines Days.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Okay this first part is a couple days late, and I'm sorry about that.

On Tuesday night, I was layin' in bed, right; lights out, tryin' to go to sleep. When I saw this shadow coming from outside my bedroom window.

Well I figured I was seein' things. I blinked a couple times, shadow was still there. I closed my eyes for a couple minutes, still there. LOL So then I screamed.

Well the shadow disappeared and never came back. The next day (Wed) I went out by my window and found a bunch of deer tracks. So the shadow I had seen was it's antlers.

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Okay now onto todays post.

So I'm outside shoveling, today, right? And guess what I see, more deer tracks by my bedroom window again.

But this time the deer jumped my grandma's car, crossed the yard, and then jumped the fence, to leave. LOL instead of just walking down the driveway.

I swear to God the deer jumped her car. The tracks went right up to her car, and picked up again on the other side. No tracks in front or in back of the car.

Weird huh?

If I find deer tracks outside my window tomorrow, lol I'm moving to another room!