Saturday, March 31, 2007


Well it's rained practically all day today, and it's cold out. I guess there's a chance we could get snow sometime this coming week.

I had the worst craving for pasta tonight. I went to Fazolies, got dinner and took it home. When I sat down to eat, I saw they hadn't given me the meatballs they charged me for. grrrrr.

It's too far away and it was raining hard, otherwise I would have gone back. I guess it's not that big of a loss, the meatballs were only $1.00. LOL it's just the principal of the matter, I wanted meatballs damn it! lol

Friday, March 30, 2007


Had lunch with my Uncle from out of state yesterday.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

More About The Weather

Well 99% of the snow is gone from all the yards.

We had our first big thunder & lightening storm of the year today. Even had a tornado warning too! And it's way too early for those!

Storm seems to be over now though. Thank goodness.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Well we got our first thunderstorm of the year. Thunder was so loud it rattled the windows and the lightening that was with it was damn bright too.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


Well I got a bunch of stuff to do for my cousin again.

I got a start on it today, by getting some pictures resized for website.

But I still got a long way to go yet.

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Happy St. Patrick's Day.

^_^ Go on, kiss me. I'm Irish ^_^

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well the snow is all most gone.

Bad part is at this time of year we could get a ton more lol

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mom Final

Well it was a migraine with an aura for sure.

She's 100% fine now, like nothing happened.

Thank God for that.

LOL now I need to unwind, I got real wound up this weekend.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Mom part 3

Well we took mom out of town today and between the doctors there and some research I did here at home, we think we finally know what's wrong with her.

She's got a Migraine with an Aura.

Migraines are pretty nasty to begin with, but then when you add these aura things
(ie vertigo) it makes it worse.

I'm beat. Grandma litterally worried herself sick about this, so I had her and Mom
to look after today. I'm totally wiped out.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Mom Part 2

Well we took Mom into see her regular doctor today, and she said it's Vertigo too.
But we're just not happy with how their treating it here. So tomorrow we're
taking Mom somewhere else.

The doctor gave Mom some medication but it put her right to sleep.
She can't go to work if her medication puts her right to sleep.

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Well mom's been feeling kinda weird yesterday and today. So this afternoon she finally decided to go into the ER.

The Doctor believed from his tests that she has Vertigo.

She's gotta go in to see her regular doctor asap to find out for sure.

We where about 4 - 5 hours in the frickin' ER this afternoon!

That's just nuts!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Well the snow is finally starting to melt some.

My shoulder is getting better finally.

Was sick last night though, but I seem to be okay now.

Had a fight with my mom last night, which is why I ended up feeling sick all night long.