Monday, December 31, 2007

Christmas Part 3

Sat 12-29-07

Well I got together with my Dad, my two Brothers, my Niece, all 4 of my Nephews and my Sister-In-Law tonight to celebrate Xmas.

Only it all most didn't happen. Yesterday (12-28-07) my Sister-In-Law kept changing her mind about where we should get together at.

She and my youngest Brother are seperated, and he really wanted to come here to my house.

Personally, I think she kept messin' around with the plans, on purpose to annoy him.

But We managed to get together finally last night.

And everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. My one Nephew, Montana, kept giving me such huge hugs....hehe I loved it.

The best present I got was the two drawings two of my other Nephews, Jason & Johnny, made for me.

I absolutely love them.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas part 2

Well We're back home from my Aunt & Uncle's house now.

Christmas was good.

My one Cousin couldn't stay on Xmas Day and eat dinner with us that night, because he and his girlfriend were going to have dinner with her family....I know, I know, and I'm only complaining a little lol lol.

I had a discount ticket to see National Treasure 2, so we did that tonight, cause the ticket was only good until 12-28-07.

It was really good.

New Years Layout is up lol as you can see.

Sunday at my Aunt & Uncle's I did some baking. I baked a chocolate cheese cake, Georgia Cookie Candy.

On Monday (Xmas Eve) I made the Pumpkin Pie.

My Uncle normally makes the Pumpkin Pie, but he got called out to work, so I made it.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Weekend

Well I'm at my Aunt & Uncle's house for Xmas. We were originally gonna come today but on Friday they predicted a major snow storm for our area, for today. So we came here yesterday instead.

Boy I'm glad we did too. If we hadn't have left yesterday, there's no way we'd have left's doubtfull we'd have been able to come here tomorrow either.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


ARGH! I have a cold!

I've still got presents to wrap, shopping to do, baking to do, and I get a cold...just perfect!

This couldn't have happened at a worse time.

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Well on Friday my Mom came home early from work cause she was sick.

She felt better yesterday so we when Christmas shopping and saw Alvin And The Chimpmunks (that movie is awesome!). Didn't get all my xmas shopping done yet lol I got one more present to buy.

Today I did my best to finish decortating the house. Not all the decorations are up, but some are up, lol so I'm quiting.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Did some more Xmas shopping tonight.
I'm all most done now. I should be able to finish it up on Sat. LOL I hope.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Well I have a little, tiny bit of Xmas shopping done.
We got the lights around the porch, up yesterday.

Today we got the villiage up on the mantel and we got the tree up.
No lights or ornaments yet, we'll get to it though lol.

Snowblower still isn't fixed. The guy never came this week to pick it up. Now he's supposed to come this Tues to get it.
I hope we don't have to hire someone to plow us out again.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Bad Ribs & Snow

Well the guys we hired to blow out the driveway finally came around 5am this morning.
My ribs were hurting so bad from when I had to carry my computer to the car and from the car into the shop, and back, that I had to go into the chiropractor this morning.
I feel much much better now :-D.

I hope to God one of my Grandma's neighbors blew her sidewalks for her, so I don't have to shovel them.
As it is, I'll have to shovel the little sidewalk that goes from the sidewalk to the street. Cause my Grandma's neighbor never plows that.
But doing that won't be as bad as doing that, plus the sidewalks too.

The temperature is dropping, it was 17 above when my Mom left for work around 7am, and it's now 13 above. LOL and my Grandma wants to go grocery shopping around 3pm today. LOL she keeps saying "It'll be warmer by then." LOL.
I hope she's right LOL.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

First Snow Part 2

Well the guys we called to come blow us out never came.
I hope they get here bright and early tomorrow, otherwise my Mom won't be able to get out to go to work.

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First Snow

Well it snowed enough yesterday that we had to use the snowblower to get out of the driveway today.

There was only one problem.....the snowblower wouldn't start!

We called someone to come blow out the driveway for us. But they haven't come yet.

Least it's not snowing any more. But it's supposed to start again on Tuesday.

Tomorrow we'll call someone to come pick up the snowblower to fix it. But i highly doubt we'll have it back by Tuesday.

So if it does snow again on Tuesday, I hope it's not a lot of snow, so I can shovel it. Cause hiring someone to blow out the driveway is expensive.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Snow Storm

It's snowin' like hell.

Has been all day.