Sunday, March 28, 2010


There's a great website, my friend will create a meditation just for you!

Go check it out.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Health Update & More

Well after 5 hospital stays in 3 weeks, I think I'm finally starting to get a little bit better.

The whole problem is, when you're in the hospital, as soon as you start to show the tiniest sign of improvement, they send you home, whether you should be sent home or not.

And that's what was happening with me.

And to make matters worse, mom has to come up with a huge balloon payment on the morgage or they will start forclosing, next week!

We have no idea where or how we'll stop this from happening.

If you pray, please pray for us to keep our home, we have no where else but the streets to go to.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Health Part 5 DAMN DOCTORS!



Damn Doctors. Stupid Prednisone makes peoples blood sugar go up.

It made mine go up. And now I might end up being diabetic....!Photobucket

The doctor knew that there are a lot of diabetics in my family! But he gave it to me anyway!

I read online that sometimes, once the Prednisone is out of your system, your blood sugar goes back to normal and you aren't diabetic. Photobucket***PRAYS HARD**** So please God let that happen to me.

Plus, I've either pulled a muscle in my stomach, from coughing so hard, or a urnia.....


I might have Ovarian Cysts. Because I've been having this pain in my stomach.

But I'm thinking it's just a pulled muscle....cause a couple times when I was coughing really really hard, there was a sharp pull, go through my stomach.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Health Part 4

Well Sunday, mom took me into Urgent Care, and they admitted me right away.

I was in the hospital Sunday night & Monday night.

Just got home a few hours ago.

Still not one single diganosis.

And some of the medications the doctor sent home with me, according to their info sheets, I can't take cause of what they say is wrong, or because of other medications I am all ready taking.

So tomorrow we gotta go to the pharmacy and ask about these new meds.

UGH! Doctors!

They sent me home with 2 different anti-botics for phenumonia.

If I have it that bad, that I need 2 anti-botics......shouldn't I still be in the hospital!Photobucket

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Health Part 3

Well I'm feeling a bit better today.

Windedness, trouble breathing, & chest pain seems to be all but gone.

But my BP is still very high for me.

So unless it gets way high out of control high today or tomorrow, if it's still not normal by monday, Mom is taking me back to the doctor, and this time we're not leaving until this is back to normal.

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Health Part 2

Well, I ended up back in the ER on tuesday. They admitted me. I spent the night, and even though I didn't feel well enough to come home yesterday, they sent me home last night anyway!

I'm still very weak. I still get winded, my chest still hurts, and my blood pressure is super super high for me at least.

But they weren't at all concerned about that BP. "It's not that high" when it was 150 something over 90 something!

For me that's very very high!

Well they did change my bp medication. And "that will take time to regulate things" they said. So we'll see. If by say next Thursday, I'm still feeling this way, Mom is taking me to another hospital.

Right now I just feel like crap!

Monday, March 01, 2010


Well I guess I don't have Asthma. I have Pneumonia instead.

And to me it's pretty bad, yet I'm not in the hospital.

Course even if I was in the hospital, if they didn't start giving me my meds on time, I'd check myself out again.