Monday, May 31, 2010

Urgent Care Visit

Had to go into Urgent Care this morning.

Been having these bad pains in my right hip lately, well ever since I got over the Phnemonia.

When these pains hit, they either keep me awake all night or wake me up from a sound sleep.

Doc said its my syatic (may not be spelled right) nerve.

If it's not better in 5 days then I'll need physcial Therapy.

It's caused from all the sitting around I've done, while I had Phneumonia, and while recovering from it.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Forced To Have Auto Insurance

How is it right or fair that a state should begin forcing the people who live in that state to have auto insurance, even if they are unemployeed, low income or on a fixed budget?

Well thats what is happening in Wisconsin. As of June 1st 2010 everyone must have car insurance.
If caught without car insurance the fine could be $200.00 or higher.

I would like someone to tell me how a person who is unemployeed, low income or on a fixed budget going to afford the auto insurance or the fine?

Sunday, May 02, 2010

Insane Drivers

We went to eat at KFC and ended up having to go to the police department!

After leaving KFC, mom went to change lanes, she checked all her mirrors twice, and there were no cars coming, but then as she started to pull over, there was suddenly a car in the lane she was trying to get into.
Our car didn't hit the other car, and no one was hurt, thank God.

But then that other car started following us! Followed us for like a freakin' hour. We were afraid to go home or go to grandma's house.
So we ended up going to the police station. And the idiot driver followed us there!

Driver of the other car claimed she was following us to see if there was any damage to her car, cause she claimed mom forced her up onto the curb.
The car didn't go up onto the curb, and hello if the driver was the worried about damage to her car, pull over and check, instead of driving around for an hour!