Monday, May 25, 2009

Cousin's Wedding

My Cousin's wedding day is getting closer & closer.
It's only 2 weeks away now.

I'm getting really excited & nervous.

I believe strongly in Angels, and that you can talk to them, especially you're Guardian Angel.

And my Guardian Angel has been telling me for months that something very very special is going to happen to me at my Cousin's wedding. :-D

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sugery sucked

Well my surgery went okay, it was afterwards that sucked, the idiot doctor kept giving me pain medications that had Condine in, and I'm allergic to Condine!

Then right after I recovered from surgery I came down with a cold, ended up with an ear infection, like always.

Got better from the cold, and now Grandma's car is acting weird. Sometimes it'll start and sometimes it won't.