Sunday, February 28, 2010

Asthma Attack

Well it's not 100% for sure, but I'm like 99% sure what happened to me yesterday morning was a severe Asthma attack.

Around 1am yesterday morning I was coughing so hard & bad that I couldn't sleep. And I started having chest pains, and arm pains, and trouble breathing.

And even when my cough & trouble breathing would calm down some, all I could think about was the family members who died from heart attacks, and was like "oh my god i'm having a heart attack", which I would then promptly start loosing my breath again.

When I finally for like half a second (which seemed like forever to me) actually for real, did stop breathing, my mom took me to the er.
After being in the er for more hours than it took god to create the world, lol, they finally admitted me.

Then nearly around midnight last night, because I was feeling better, my chest pain was gone, my breathing was 100% better, I wanted to go home, so I discharged myself. For 2 reasons. A: I was feeling much much much better, feeling normal. B: They weren't giving me my medications at the right times, so it was screwing me all up.

Got home around 12:30am this morning.

I have to go see my doctor right away tomorrow, so he can finish up with the tests they were going to do today on me in the hospital. But I can live with that.

Friday, February 26, 2010


I'm Photobucket!

I feel horrible!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Well Mom went to the Bank & Younkers today, to drop off her resumes. They both have job openings advertised.

So Photobucket here's hoping she gets one.

The bank would be better cause it would be more normal hours. Retail hours suck big time!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Well a few days ago, Grandma started having this horrible cough. Actually she's had it since Christmas, but up until recently, we thought it was getting better.

Well yesterday afternoon, I started having the same really bad cough.

So this morning I went to see the doctor. He gave me some medication, so I'm feeling a bit better.
Grandma should actually be going tomorrow cause her cough is so bad. But we won't get her to go.
Luckly she has her 6 month check up, with her doctor, next week. So if we can keep her cough from getting any worse till then, we'll be okay.

The doctor gave me some cough medicine and Prednizone (probably not spelt right.). He said "it might cause you to be really wound up".
{I know when my mom took it years ago, it wound her up. She'd go to bed, at night, sleep for a couple hours and then around 2 - 3 am be wide awake and start cleaning the house! Vacuuming, you name it!}

So when he said that about being wound up. Photobucket You should have seen the look on her face. It was priceless!
And I was like "pay back's a bitch mom". LMAO

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Physcial Therapy

Well I "graduated" from physcial therapy today. YAY ME!
And I gotta admit, it did help my knees a whole lot.

Cause after I fell that time last fall, (Click on 'Story Here' and then Click on blog, to read about what happened.) Story Here, my knees just kept hurting even months later.

So when the doc suggested PT, I was like "ummm okay whatever", not really believing it would help. But boy I was wrong. My knees feel so much better.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Well the ear pain I've been having, I guess is caused from some muscle spasim in my jaw.
So I have to eat soft foods for about 10 days. LOL I'm gonna starve. LOL

Mom's gonna be applying for some jobs tomorrow. Photobucket Here's hoping she gets one.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

Today Mom and I did our usual. We got a heart shaped pizza from Rocky Rocco's.

Other than that, didn't do anything. Valentines Day really sucks!

Dang, Grandma's turning into a mean remote natzi. If you try to take the remote you get such evil dirty looks that you count your fingers to make sure you still have 5!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Here are some pictures from Christmas. To see them click on the camera.


Friday, February 12, 2010


Well Mom found some job ads online that she wants to apply for.
She's more than qualified for each of them.
So Photobucket here's hoping she gets one.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Live Chat

Last night the coolest thing happened, I had a live chat with Ryan Buell, and Serg, both from the hit A&E tv show, Paranormal State. Ryan & Serg were chatting and live on webcam so you could see them.
I asked them each a question and they answered it!
That was so cool!

Saturday, February 06, 2010


Well the first update is my Mom lost her job on 2-2-2010.
Those Bast***s at Dollar General are crooked, greedy people.
They don't want employees, they want pack mules!


Do not shop from Dollar General stores if you can avoid doing so. They are crooked, and greedy and are con-artists!

New Layout.

This is how I feel. I'll get the emotion thingy in the Etc, section changed asap.