Monday, December 03, 2007

Bad Ribs & Snow

Well the guys we hired to blow out the driveway finally came around 5am this morning.
My ribs were hurting so bad from when I had to carry my computer to the car and from the car into the shop, and back, that I had to go into the chiropractor this morning.
I feel much much better now :-D.

I hope to God one of my Grandma's neighbors blew her sidewalks for her, so I don't have to shovel them.
As it is, I'll have to shovel the little sidewalk that goes from the sidewalk to the street. Cause my Grandma's neighbor never plows that.
But doing that won't be as bad as doing that, plus the sidewalks too.

The temperature is dropping, it was 17 above when my Mom left for work around 7am, and it's now 13 above. LOL and my Grandma wants to go grocery shopping around 3pm today. LOL she keeps saying "It'll be warmer by then." LOL.
I hope she's right LOL.

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